Steeple School of Trinity Church


Steeple School’s Nature Explore Classroom invites our children and families to find joy in Nature. We continually offer a curriculum that integrates imaginative play, nature-based games, and outdoor adventures. Our nurturing staff and environment offer a place where children can flourish, develop friendships, learn independence, and build self-esteem and resilience.

The introduction of large magnet wall in our STEMLAB allows an opportunity to develop skills and build knowledge through play, exploration, and team building challenges. Our Big Chair has returned to add a mystical sense of whimsy to our Gathering Area near our Fairy Garden.We strive to create experiences that awaken curiosity and spark wonder, while nurturing relationships with peers, our community, and the natural World around us.

Our garden boxes, fruit plants, Butterfly Garden and Certified Wildlife Habitat provide food for both the children and wildlife we share our place in Nature with. The children learn about life cycles, farm to table and sustainable gardening along with their important role as stewards of Nature.