Pinnacle Presbyterian Preschool

This year we have revamped our sand and water area with an updated mud kitchen and accessories. Children love engaging in dramatic play, cooking meals, planting flowers, and creating extravagant homes for their play animals.

Our Eric Carle garden also received new raised planter beds. We were grateful to return to our parent committees this year that had been on hold since Covid. One committee was designed to support our garden and we have been blessed with the green thumb of one of our students’ grandma.

Lastly, we have challenged ourselves with utilizing the nature our outdoor classroom has to offer in innovative ways. This year, the mesquite tree has become a strong area of study for one pre-k class. Under the encouragement of our Atelierista, the children have moved past observational drawing to explore the properties of the tree through digital microscopes, printmaking, and clay imprints of the trunk.