Kids Country Hartville

This past year, we have worked on making adjustments to our outdoor learning space. We listened to what the children wanted and implemented their ideas into our spaces.

We have focused on using what we have to make a beauitful space. We have added a cozy, relaxing area and a basketball court!

Miss Terry visits us every Wedneday and shows us animal hides, skeletons, pictures and teaches us about nature through her stories and experiences!

This summer, the summer camp students were visited by a group of Native American drummers. We learned about how the Native Americans lived, looked at artifacts, and listened to amazing music!

We’ve added new exciting elements to the toddler playground including a playhouse, flower garden, new bikes, sensory tables, and a cozy area. We also added new birdhouses and animal feeders and have been visited by a blue jay, cardinals, a mama dove, many squirrels, and one silly skunk!

We have had so much help from staff, families and the community. We just want to say thank you for continually supporting us and the importance of our outdoor space!