The Nature Explore Classroom at

ABC Great Beginnings-Redwood

ABC Great Beginnings Redwood is ecstatic to have completed an outdoor classroom.



The families and staff at the center have been amazing and huge contributors to the outdoor area. There were several items that were donated and hours of hard work that went into the space.

The main challenge that we had with the outdoor space, was the area is a complete blacktop area. The main goal was to be able to bring as much nature as we possibly could, with the area that we had. There were several areas that we were able to do this such as the messy materials, dirt digging and the gardening area.

The messy materials we had several parents bring in items from their yards, as well as go out into nature and find the materials. Some of the items brought included a wide range of various sizes of tree cookies, large logs, pine cones, and sticks. For the dirt digging area we did have a planter box, so we added more soil as well as shovels, buckets, and rakes for the children to be able to dig and get messy.

We were very creative in our gardening area. We researched and found out that hay bales can indeed grow vegetables! There were also various sizes of pots added which all grew something different.

We want to thank all of our families for the work they put into our outdoor space. We also want to thank all of the staff and the center director for all of their hard work.

see most recent


3672 S. Redwood Road
West Valley, UT  840119

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