ABC Great Beginnings-South Jordan


We are so excited for our Nature Explore classroom! The staff and children have already been able to experience learning, exploring, imagination, and creativity.

It amazes me every time the way the children play with all of the various items.

This year we made some changes to our sandbox. We chose to change the box that has a lid to help keep the raccoons, skunks, and other animals out of it.

The gathering area was moved under a tree where the logs that the children sit on, can be used to explore the different bugs that live underneath them.

The nature art got a new look also, we added a space to put supplies for the children to use when they want. It is fun to watch as the children when we bring in items for them to create with. They had fun painting with pinecones, leaves, grass, etc… They also enjoy doing nature rubbings.

Our science area, also received new natural magnifying glasses, prisms, and other items. We add leaves, pine cones, twigs, flowers, etc…for the children to explore with.

Our areas now include: garden, music & movement, science, digging area, gathering spot, building area, and soon to be finished dramatic play area.

The excitement of watching the children as they play is so exciting and with every new item brought in, looking at the wonder in their eyes is fun.

This will always be a continual work in progress.


Learn more about this classroom on their certification page!

Certification Page