Ascension Lutheran School

This year was our 10th annual Tomato Plant Sale. As in years past, all of our students started tomatoes and nurtured the seedlings until they were ready for sale.

To celebrate this being year 10, we also added other items for a student-led farmers market including selling oranges that students harvest from our little orange grove, frosted cupcakes decorated with edible flowers grown by the students, and succulent plants and saved seeds. Our special Tomato Sale and Farmers Market had every school family in one of our outdoor classroom spaces celebrating our nature program. All monies made went to support our program.

We work at inspiring wonder in our students. We began the school year with all of them having magnifying glasses to explore the biodiversity right on our campus where they work and play every day. Throughout the winter and early spring, we added bird feeders to our outdoor classroom and students tracked the various varieties of birds. We were able to take some of our outdoor discoveries into our brand new microsope lab for “nature under the microscope.” Students were in awe as they looked at things like pollen from flowers and water samples. At the end of the school day when a parent asked their son how their day had been, the student replied, “Awesome! I got to look at pulsating mosquito intestines under the microscope!”

Family after family continue to tell us that they chose our school because of our nature program.