Bluebird School LLC

At Bluebird School the children are outside everyday for many hours. We believe in the saying “There is no such thing as bad weather, just inappropriate clothing.” The children are outside daily through all four seasons enjoying outdoor classroom and the natural spaces we explore each week that are just beyond the classroom fences. Not only do the children get to learn, play, socialize, and grow while outside but they become interested in things outside that directly guide my lesson plan, making our curriculum child lead in the best possible way.


Being outdoors as much as we are helps for the children to becoming very connected with the Earth…all of the plants, animals, and seasonal changes. This connection they are making with the land combination with things we do in our classroom such as using fabric napkins, flatware, dishes, having many indoor classroom plants and indoor pets such as fish, frogs, and dogs, and simply speaking of the Earth and how everyday is Earth day, has made the children wonderful stewards of
the Earth!

Bluebird School is simply a magical place to be; the children and adults here get to frolic in nature, bake, do yoga, sing, dance, create art, play with natural toys, and snack on food they helped grow and tend to from seeds.