Bundle of Joy Nature Preschool Childcare
Jean Goulart, founder of Bundle of Joy Nature Preschool Childcare established in 2000, is thrilled to announce the 2022 launch of our 100% outdoor nature classroom for preschool-age children. We have closed the indoor classroom to offer child-led “Mornings in Nature”, an adventure designed for preschoolers three mornings per week with weekend opportunities for family nature time.
Mother Nature serves as both our teacher and place-based classroom under the sun, moon and stars. Continuous enrollment is available to experience the seasons of northern California especially the planting and harvest of food for student families and flowers for the earth’s insect habitat in our children’s garden.
Jean Goulart, M.A., an Early Childhood Educator, CA Naturalist, CA Climate Steward, Outdoor Classroom Project (OCP) Specialist II, an outdoor environment and education consultant, and environmental educator with Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Math (STEAM) CA Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). Bundle of Joy Nature Explore is an OCP Network Demonstration Site, and a Certified Nature Explore Outdoor Classroom since 2015. We are Lake County’s first early learning and care program to score the highest Tier 5 star rating with the Quality Counts California Consortium.