Calvary Christian Preschool
In spring the children brought in any snails they found near their homes, then named them as they placed them in our new terrarium for later inspection. We made sure to keep them fed and noticed how they ate and moved. We also worked together to bring dirt down from the hill behind our school to our planting station.
This fall we had a teacher workday where all the preschool teachers worked together to improve the outdoor space. We replaced unused areas of sand with dirt and added peat moss to the garden area for new multi-sensory experiences. We also unveiled our new Mini Area. This little space is a great place for children to imagine a small world and utilize various loose parts like corks, wood cookies, and clothespins as they build their adventures.
Our Sand Area now has sand toy shelves for easier access to shovels, buckets, and toys. There is a wooden kitchen installed in the sand for easy access and baking ‘cupcakes’.
We’ve continued to update the Den Making Area by purchasing some Imagination Fabric and the kids customize their den using cord and clothespins.