Cedar Valley Preschool
and Child Care Center
This year our narrative takes a new twist! We interviewed the children (ages 3 through 10) with the following questions:
(1) What is your favorite thing to do on the playground?
(2) What do you like to help with the
Their responses illustrate their individual personalities and the variety of engaging activities available—–a sampling:
(1) “Watch the birds”
“Read dinosaur books”
” Ride bikes! I ride every day!”
“Use the dump truck in the Messy (wood chip) Area”
“Play in the sandbox”
“Make a mess in the mud kitchen”
“Run on the track”
“Sit on logs”
“Riding scooters”
“Climb the rock wall because I feel really tall on it!”
(2) “Rake the leaves and mulch”
“Making music with logs and sticks with Miss Drueanne (entire school age group) “The vegetable garden” (several)
Clearly our children benefit from and treasure their Nature Explore experiences!!!