The Nature Explore Classroom at
Chapel Hill Academy
Charter School
The Outdoor Learning Center at Chapel Hill Academy Charter School is a dream brought to fruition by the hard work of many people.
A Nature Explore design consultation team helped begin the process of defining Chapel Hill Academy’s goals to enhance the children’s learning environment and encourage nature inspired exploration. This professional team consisting of a Nature Explore Educator and Landscape Architect met with the Chapel Hill Academy outdoor classroom committee of four teachers, superintendent, administrator and the director of properties.
Materials for the classroom were selected from the Nature Explore Sourcebook to best fit the environment. These products are research based, field tested, natural products that are age-appropriate. Native plants and natural materials were chosen to fill the classroom and used throughout as components and flooring.
This beautiful Title 1 campus, consisting of a diverse population of Pre-K through 5th grade students, uses this space through many cross curricular activities. All grade levels are able to benefit from this exploratory space.