Child Educational Center


Our Nature Explore Classroom continues to thrive. We, as humans, have an inextricable link to nature. We need nature to survive, to be whole, to be well mentally and physically, and if we are going to continue to thrive on this planet, we will have to take good care of our natural world. This requires raising generations of children who are attuned to, and connected to nature, developing a deep love that compels them to be caretakers of our planet.

At the CEC, we have nature-filled environments for children to engage in. This has been an intentional decision from the very beginning. Our founding directors knew even then how important nature is in the lives of young children. It has been our work since we opened to continue to create nature-filled spaces for children and adults both indoors and out. We consider the Outdoor Classrooms to be as integral to their learning as the indoor spaces. We set up invitations and provocations and places for children to explore, discover, and wonder. Children have freedom of movement between the indoors and the outdoors. There is no “recess” time. They can spend their day fully indoors, fully outdoors, or anything in between. The more interested and engaged in their experiences, the more learning will happen. Sometimes, children know best.