Children of Tomorrow Learning Center
Norwood Young America


We had another successful year of learning in our outdoor classroom! All of our classrooms utilize the outdoor area for learning, lessons, group time, and free play!

We have custom made signs designated to the learning area that has really enhanced our playground. We have been able to maintain our materials used for the outdoor classroom and are continuing to add new materials! One of our existing families donates a variety of wood to use! We have been able to use them for seating, art work, and building! We use our Facebook page to showcase our outdoor classroom to the community and other followers. Our plan is to continue creating a space for our classrooms to learn outside! Our teachers love reading outdoors, letting the children observe, and explore what nature has to offer. This year we had the opportunity to plant a garden! The children got to assist in the planting and have bee helping maintain the plants. Throughout this process it has shown them responsibility, care taking, and the science behind growing plants and vegetables. We have had a great amount of fresh produce that we have been able to enjoy! We LOVE our outdoor classroom and hope every child care center has the opportunity to have one as well!



Learn more about this classroom on their certification page!

Certification Page