The Children’s Tree House
Child Development Center



This year we decided to have Nature Explore come to offer training to our staff and other center staff in the area. Although the turnout wasn’t as large as we hoped we still had an amazing day filled with sharing ideas and teaching others how important nature-based and outdoor education is to our children.

We also added a new area to our outdoor classroom this year. We had found that the children LOVE play and exploring in the gravel pathways. Dumping and filling buckets, listening to the sound they make, and seeing how many handfuls fit in the bucket. This is always a favorite place for the children to explore, but it was not the best or safest choice so we added a new gravel area. This area has 2 boxes with tracks and wheels for the gravel to pass through. It contains buckets, trucks and shovels for the children to play with. By adding this feature it created a safe and fun place for the children to explore without digging up our pathways.