The Nature Explore Classroom at

Circulo de Amigos Child Care Center

At Circulo de Amigos Child Care Center (CACCC), our purpose and mission is to offer high quality, state of the art, culturally rich Spanish Immersion childcare center, with a home-like atmosphere, in which children experience rich and meaningful learning experiences through nature.

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Each classroom teacher and assistant teacher incorporates learning outcomes into their monthly curriculum plans.  Our learning outcomes include a wide variety of learning activities based on the NAEYC guidelines, the Minnesota Early Learning Standards, the Creative Curriculum and incorporates our Nature Explore Classroom activities wherein we create novel and innovative crafts.

Parent involvement and support are essential components of the program.  We promote special family events throughout the year such as: lunch with the children, field trips to explore nature (which include parent/child educational opportunities), picnics, etc.   CACCC incorporates many environmentally friendly design aspects and practices in our curriculum, using as reference the “Go Green Rating Scale” and the “Nature Explore” guidelines. Many green concepts such as recycling, the use of renewable energy, and non-toxic cleaning products (Green chemistry) are part of the center’s everyday activities.  We strive constantly to improve our practice in this area and also to teach the children the importance of being responsible to our planet.

CACCC’s program is designed to meet the standards and requirements of:

-Parent Aware – child care rating system of Minnesota
-National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) accreditation guidelines
-Nature Explore Outdoor and Indoor Classrooms (Dimensions & Arbor Day Foundations)
-Go Green Rating Scale for Child Care Centers (Redleaf Press, MN)
-The Creative Curriculum (Teaching Strategies, Inc)
-The Program for Infants and Toddlers Caregivers (PITC)

Please see testimonials from our clients found on our classroom website


Read recent stories and updates on their recertification page!


2830 Cedar Ave. South
Minneapolis, MN  55407

Classroom website

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