College of Charleston N.E. Miles
Early Childhood Development Center


We are grateful for the opportunity to celebrate our Nature Explore certification, as the process helps us maintain focus on continued program improvement. As a campus-based demonstration and laboratory program, we have a responsibility to model best practices in our community, including connecting children with the natural world. Our efforts focus on commitment to 3 “big ideas”

  • Sustainability & ecological responsibility
  • Loose parts play
  • Collaborations within and external to our campus

Our Nature Explore playground encourages the children to develop their imagination in child centered play all the time. They can explore a variety of loose parts including carboard boxes, wood, pulleys, rocks, stumps, tubes, fabric, and outdoor objects they discover on the playground or from our nature walks. This helps the children develop both large and small muscle control and hand-eye coordination. In addition to enhancing physical competencies, this supports the development of our students’ social and emotional competencies, as well as cognitive abilities such as risk taking, problem solving, questioning, and researching. Our Nature Explore playground also helps the children demonstrate appreciation for different forms of artistic expression. This includes writing, music, and drama. The children often have opportunities to demonstrate self-expression and creativity through a variety of loose parts found in nature. Routines and daily hands-on activities continue to be an enjoyment for our students. These are an opportunity for our children to develop ownership and responsibility. The children helped with daily routines such as sweeping the playground, raking mulch, watering the garden, cleaning up, and helping our College garden crew. These routines are highly engaging and allow the children to develop a sense of identity and independence. During the 2023-24 school year the children extended our garden program to a school-wide compost program. The children developed a plan and collected waste across the school. This compost was used in the school garden. Gardening helps our children recognize they are important members of a group when each have a specific role to tend the garden. They also use their senses to construct knowledge about their world around them. This experience recognizes the importance of nature in promoting holistic development, fostering a connection to the environment, and enhancing overall well-being for our students.


Learn more about this classroom on their certification page!

Certification Page