Country Corner Daycare/Preschool


This past year we have improved our Nature Outdoor Explore Classrooms. There are many areas that we have been improving and expanding. Nature is so very important to us, if we teach the children to love the earth and respect it, they will become great stewards of our beautiful earth.

For our water table area we purchased another water table, expanded our area, added mulch and 4×4 boards to border it to help keep the mulch in. The children really have put this area to use this summer. Under our carport, where our art area is, which includes a big chalkboard, we added new mulch and wooden boards. We also added more climbing stumps and stacking wood under our big maple tree. The children love to roll the stumps and logs over to look for a worm or any other bug they might find. We have added 2 new bird feeders and hangers for suet. The children enjoy feeding, watching and learning about the local birds.

This year we had a little petting zoo. We had goats, ducks, chickens, and rabbits for our families to see and learn about. The children were able to feed them and enjoy seeing how each animal is different. The famlies enjoyed having donuts and water, enjoying the animals and bonding with each other.

Our near future plans are to put up a divider fence on our 4 acres and start an orchard. This is one of my goals to have in the year 2024. I would absolutely love to have an orchard that would include apple, plum and peach trees. The children would learn so much by making this improvement.