Dora L. Lewis
Family and Child Development Center
at the Weinstein JCC
Tikum Olam (repairing the world) is a Jewish value we live every day in our preschool and it is represented in our indoor and outdoor classrooms. It’s also the foundation in the work we do with our teachers/staff, families, and community partners to create the next generation of environmental stewards. Our garden educator who is a student at J Sergeant Reynolds Community College studying sustainable agriculture and horticulture is providing research and much guidance to rebuild the compost area in our edible schoolyard. Our preschool is undergoing Project Learning Tree Green School certification. The first phase of this is the “Waste & Recycling” Investigation. All the classrooms have mini compost bins that they use to collect lunch and snack scraps. The children take thier mini compost bins to the garden daily. Rebuilding the compost area is parallel to the Green School initiative. Our kitchen coordinator, garden specialist, and outdoor educator are collaborating on ways to connect children to growing and eating healthy foods. Weekly they are providing educational activities around nutrition, agriculture, and sustainability in the classroom and outdoors. We continue to provide our children with rich opportunities for them to understand their roles as stewards of the earth and we strive to act as role models teaching that our actions effect other people and the world as a whole.