The Nature Explore Classroom at
EDU-Care Early Learning Center
We are so excited that we have been able to incorporate more nature in our playground and have loved watching the children explore.
We had a large playground that was just an open grass area with a sidewalk around and then a sand area. We now have an amazing gathering area with benches by a tree where the classes can sit and talk with the teachers and enjoy sitting in nature. We have a sand area that has transformed into a few different areas: a messy materials area where they can explore natural items such as tree branches, pinecones, rocks, etc. and a climbing area where they can work on their balance as they walk across the colorful steppingstones and balance beams. We have added more sand toys to our sand area for digging.
In our large grass area we have added some other areas around the edges, including a Music and Movement area that provides the children with a great area to sit and make music with a variety of instruments as well as using scarves to dance and move their bodies. We have a great water area where children can sit and play at the table or use water in our trough system. Our children have enjoyed the Nature Art Area and have taken some great masterpieces home. We look forward to more creations and finding a way to display them outdoors in the future.
We have added garden boxes with a cute little bridge to walk between for the children to explore plants. We will be starting with Pumpkins and hope to grow more vegetables for the children to enjoy. We have a sidewalk area that goes around our grass area where the children can ride their wheeled toys. And then we have a large open grass area where they are able to do all their gross motor activities, tag, kick ball, soccer, etc.
Thank you to our awesome Maintenance staff that really helped put this all together! As well as a thank you to the Child Care Quality System (CCQS) Intensive Coaching Grant for funding part of our project.
We are so excited to enjoy this outdoor classroom where the kids can explore and hope to continue adding more natural items each year.
2182 N Hill Field Rd
Suite #4
Layton, UT, 84041