The Nature Explore Classroom at

Explorations Child Care

Hi, my name is Careese Hallett, I am the owner of Explorations Child Care. I began my in-home child care in 1998 when my first child was born. Explorations is a licensed large home child care (12 children to 2 caregivers).

When I began this program I had my own family’s love of the outdoors in mind. I wanted the community I live in to have a place for children to go that was nature-inspired with natural elements inside and lots of outdoor learning opportunities for children.

The children at Explorations Child Care get opportunities to plant, harvest and eat vegetables and herbs from our garden. They help plant and maintain a Butterfly Garden that attracts various butterflies. They are exposed to the ever changing look of my backyard as the seasons transform the yard.

We play in the dirt, mud, sand and water which provide lots of sensory play which naturally calms children. The varying landscape from open grassy spaces to tree stumps and tree logs provides lots of gross motor opportunities for children to balance and climb and jump and run. In the winter our landscape changes and we provide snowsuits and snow boots to explore the new opportunities the winter has brought.

Read recent stories and updates on their recertification page!

Bartlesville, OK