Growing Minds Learning Center



Growing Minds Learning Center has added an amazing greenhouse this year, constructed of clear and green, 2-liter soda bottles. This beautiful structure made of recycled materials is used to start seeds for the vegetable gardens.They will also experiment with planting through the winter.

Additional fruit trees were planted in the classroom this year. Grasses and trees first planted in the classroom have grown to provide great hiding places for the children and have attracted greater numbers of birds, grasshoppers, butterflies and moths.The children are able to observe caterpillars spinning cocoons and marvel at the beauty surrounding them daily.

The staff of Growing Minds has continued their professional development relating to nature education by participating in both “Growing Up Wild” and “Project Learning Tree”. Seasonal events are hosted on site for families and the community. Growing Minds nature club “Little Seedlings” is now aligned with Ohio Early Learning Content Standards and they have begun to offer membership to others. They are also providing mentorship to other sites wanting to create their own outdoor classrooms.