Hurlburt Field Library


5th Year Ribbon

Our Nature Explore Classroom is used by young military families and single airmen living and working on Hurlburt Field.


This year we focused on making it a bright and fun part of their day by painting our picnic table and benches with colorful designs. We also added Nature Games with a pinecone Tic-Tac-Toe game and acorn Checkers. Right now we are working on a PVC pipe wall to entertain and teach the physics of motion.

The Hurlburt Field Library butterfly garden is a way station for Gulf Fritillary and Monarch butterflies. In the fall, there are hundreds of them around the Passion Flower vine. We continue to emphasize the importance of good stewardship of our environment with story hours and programs. In addition to teaching the life cycles of butterflies we held one story hour illustrating the damage that humans do that threatens the very existence of insects. One parent said she thought she enjoyed it more than her children.

The Library’s Summer Reading Program held during June and July and the weekly story hour are often held out on the shady deck. We have had groups and individuals take part in cleaning, weeding, painting and general maintenance of our community garden. One squadron on base has installed a rain barrel in the classroom to demonstrate conservation. The outdoor space is used and loved by all and is a great place to catch a little nature every day.

Lilly Woods, Library Technician