The Nature Explore Classroom at
Jaime Escalante Early Education Center
Jaime Escalante Early Education Center in the city of Cudahy, is actually serving about 174 children from this and other communities.
Prior to the Nature Explore Classroom installation, the opportunities to explore a rich nature-based environment were very limited. The Nature Explore Classroom has come to enrich our outdoor environment giving children a wide range of opportunities to explore and learn about nature. The majority of the children in the program have little or no opportunities to experience nature at home or in their communities, limiting their chances to have healthy growth and development. Nature Explore has also come to strengthen the curriculum by providing teachers with a wide variety of settings to observe and record children’s growth and development.
The Nature Explore Classroom is giving children the unique opportunity for gardening, giving them the chance to learn about the plant’s life cycle, as well as their impact on our lives. Children are active participants in the improvements and maintenance of the classroom, learning to take care of the plants, trees and the animals in it.
Parents come and share their children’s conversations about the new program. They are very pleased to see how they are becoming so knowledgeable about nature. Parents have also shared how thankful they are for the opportunity of having their children in what they see as a great high-quality program. We, the teachers, are working hard, researching and planning for ways to improve our Nature Explore Classroom. We are inviting and motivating parents to become active participants by sharing their knowledge and ideas on how to improve and enhance it. We are confident that we can work together to enrich our Nature Explore program and ultimately strengthen the children’s education.
Read recent stories and updates on their recertification page!
7221 S. Atlantic Ave.
Cudahy, CA 90201