Jamie Sloth’s Child Care



One of the unique features of our outdoor classroom is the variety of activities children are allowed to participate in on a daily basis. We have a great trail where children are allowed to be close to nature. We have a large area of grass, which allows plenty of space for games and activities. Our classroom garden allows children to use their creativity when they design their own space.

We have had some creatively themed gardens such as the revolutionary war, construction, farming, and mermaid gardens. The children pick their theme and design their gardens, they then spend the summer caring for their gardens. It is very rewarding to see how much they enjoy harvesting their vegetables, playing in their gardens, and sharing their ideas with friends and family.

We held a special art night for families; in which we made stepping stones to add to our classroom. The first year we used them at our classroom entrance, and this past year we added a path to our back door. The children have fun making them with their families and then seeing them displayed in our classroom.