Kid’s Corner Preschool


Kid’s Corner Preschool in Fredericktown, MO has had an exceptional year!
A Marimba and Akambira were added to the music area. These musical instruments are found in many cultures around the world and features durable, weather-resistant ipe and cedar woods to withstand extreme weather conditions. Many cabinets and tables were added throughout the areas. Three gigantic hollow logs were added into the classroom which help children explore the concept of inside and outside, and give them a glimpse into the inner-workings of a tree trunk.

A pumpkin patch and watermelon patch were planted, with children observing their growth on the ground and along a chain-link fence. A harvest and watermelon eating party was a wonderful treat for hard working gardeners. Children also brought in bedding plants and planted them in the many flower beds adorning this beautiful space.

Kid’s Corner Preschool was highlighted in the Rural Spotlight magazine published by the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services.





