Kids Country Fairlawn


The biggest new part of our playground and outdoor classroom are the following areas: bigger and enhanced mud kitchen, outdoor reading and calming areas, art area and science/exploration areas.

We had staff and parents help to collaborate and make an awesome outdoor area. The children love to play and learn outdoors.

In addition to the areas that I mentioned, we also have excellent sand boxes, gardens, bike area, field, swings , slide, and a child-made clubhouse.

The preschool and school age are awesome at maintaining and cleaning their area daily so that everyone can enjoy the area.

The toddler and two area has a sandbox, swings, bike area. They love to run and explore. Having the area to enhance our day-to-day events is wonderful. We go outside in all weather. The children bring in their all-weather gear to explore and learn with their friends and teachers.

Our annual mud day is an all-day event for staff children and parents to explore and play in the mud to celebrate international mud day.

Future plans are to reseed and plant grass in our field area and possibly redo our preschool slide area to make it a more natural hill and slide.