Kids Country Wadsworth
Within the next 6 months, we are going to have a new outdoor play area for our children. We were lucky enough to be selected to receive a grant for our playground to make some updates. Along with those updates, we are going to add a few new trees throughout the playground to replace the ones that were destroyed during some storms we had here. We will also plant new plants, flowers, and vegetables in our gardens for the children to take care of throughout the year. I would love to have our back flower bed be full of flowers that can grow and be seen from the door of our playground. I want the teachers to continue to teach the importance of taking care of the outdoor learning environment to the classroom so that it can stay cleaned. I will make sure that our landscaping team also keeps up on their part of the job to make sure it is ready for the children to explore. Once we have our new playscape, I will host an open house to allow all of our current families to come in and see see what we have done as well as opening it up to the community to let them see what Kids Country has to offer for their outdoor learning environment. I think our outdoor learning environment adds a lot to our facility because from the front of our building you would not know what we have to offer, but as soon as I take families to see it, they are amazed with how big the space is.