The Nature Explore Classroom at

Marina Early Education Center

Marina Early Education Center (EEC) has had a Nature Explore Outdoor Classroom campus since 2019. After returning to campus from the school shut down in 2021, we saw that our outdoor classroom was desolate.

As a team, we worked diligently on enhancing the outdoor space to support student growth and development. Now, our students have access to multiple learning areas. Students can choose to explore the garden area, building area, climbing area, music & movement area, water area, messy materials area, sand area, gathering area, art area and more.

Our most popular space is our garden area where students interact with nature by planting, watering, eating the harvest and observing nature in action. Students greatly enjoy locating roly poly bugs (Pill Bugs) in the soil with their magnifying glasses. Students equally enjoy eating sweet organic carrots, strawberries, tomatoes, and lettuce from their garden. The procedure of washing vegetables before eating them is often skipped as students are so excited that they plop tomatoes and carrots directly from the soil into their mouths with a warm smile.

Our Nature Explore Outdoor Classroom is magical. It provides authentic science-based learning experiences that stimulate rich dialogue, imagination, and exploration. Marina EEC is an oasis inside an urban perimeter.


4908 Westlawn Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90066