The Nature Explore Classroom at

Mimi’s House Family Childcare

Welcome to Mimi’s House Family Childcare! My licensed family childcare is located in West Lansing, Michigan, minutes from the state’s capital building. Being a licensed early educator for almost 19 years, I have seen firsthand how a natural outdoor classroom benefits children. With that in mind, last year I aimed to become a Certified Nature Explore Outdoor Classroom.

At Mimi’s House, we take advantage of Michigan’s incredible four seasons and discover what opportunities the changing weather provides us daily as we spend time in our outdoor classroom, rain or shine. All children deserve a childhood full of opportunities to connect with the world around them.

We spend our days stomping puddles, building snow dens, creating art under the long vines of our cucumber plants, creating bug houses, cloud watching, caring for our gardens, tending to our worm compost bin, bird watching, cooking in the mud kitchen, and freely following where the children’s interests and current play schemas take us.

Our outdoor classroom was designed to appeal to the children’s 7 senses, be inclusive, foster a feeling of togetherness, and is a space where children can freely explore and discover.

We feel blessed to be a part of the Lansing community. Thank you to this village that often donates items and cheers on our exceptional group of little explorers. We genuinely appreciate our fantastic childcare families as they share their own nature passions and continuously contribute to our program. I am also grateful to the state of Michigan and the Facility Improvement Fund grant.


319 Bronco Way
Lansing MI 48917