Mountain Road Preschool


Our program continues to enhance our outdoor classroom by interacting with the natural world daily. We have added new and exciting elements of discovery each season. This year we focused on our raised garden beds with growing our own pumpkins and vegetables. Summertime was always an exciting time to see how many peas were ripe to pick and we enjoyed documenting the number of pumpkins we had to how much they grew over the weekend.

We added many new elements for exploration with ramps and balls to different building materials. Many times we tried to bring the inside out and explored media such as paint, books, blocks, and art as much as possible. Summertime rain showers provided us with different types of play with exploring the outdoor classroom while wet.

Our goal for the coming year is to add more raised garden beds and to add a small hoop greenhouse to extend our exploration of growing our own food.


Learn more about this classroom on their certification page!

Certification Page