The Nature Explore Classroom at

Ms. Stephanie’s

I have always been fascinated by the wonders of nature. The intricate patterns of a flower, the rustling of leaves in the wind, and the vibrant colors of butterflies. As a daycare provider, my purpose is to assist and bring joy to children’s lives, so I decided to create a Nature Explore playground where children can discover and marvel at the wonders of the natural world.

To bring this vision to life I began taking Nature Explore classes, which helped me to learn about adding different plants and natural materials to my space which can be found in the environment.

As I continued to learn, I looked forward to exploring new ways to engage children. To bring this space to life I selected plants that would attract butterflies, those with colorful flowers like lavender and coneflowers to create a vibrant and inviting space. I incorporated rocks, logs, and dirt, sand, and water. These elements added texture and created areas for exploration and imaginative play. Watching the children interact with nature has been a delight. Thank you.
Stephanie Wyler

Read recent stories and updates on their recertification page!


2100 West 4700 South
Taylorsville, UT 84129