Sheridan Elementary School

Our volunteer base is steady. These include Alan Holly, Nancy Packard, George McMillian, Denise Olton, John Milligan, Lucinda Zmarzly, Josh Lupher and Judy Wu Smart. Alan is poised to take over
primary care of the OC starting in Spring 2024. We are sadly saying goodbye to George as he moves to SD.

We renewed our “lawn” area this year by digging up the old sod (ravaged by drought and with an underlayer of plastic netting that had to be painstakingly removed by hand) and replacing it with buffalo grass. Now we have a drought-tolerant lawn that we can also plant with flowering plants as it needs no mowing.

Nancy Packard is expanding our Prairie Plant areas to invite more insects to our garden. She has been sharing her love of Natives Plants for a while, but it was not until some of the Sheridan gardeners went with Nancy to the Wachiska Audubon event with keynote speaker Doug Tallamy on 12/3/23 that we realized that native plants are essential to the survival of the food web as we know it.