The Mays School
This year has been a wonderful year of growth in our Nature Explore classroom! Parent and family involvement has allowed our gardens to blossom, encouraging students to plant various vegetables,
herbs, and flowers to track growth. Our mud kitchen was restocked with authentic teapots, pots and pans, and wood cookies. Picnic tables were also added to the Outdoor Classroom, resulting in many meals (real and play) outside!
At The Mays School, we seek to extend our school day to be outdoors as much as possible. Classroom pets (not limited to tortoises, rabbits, and guinea pigs) have also explored the Outdoor Classroom with the children, allowing a deeper understanding of animal science and habitat studies.
Child-led interest topics allow the Outdoor Classroom to continuously meet the needs of the students by adding and rotating materials, observation of wildlife life cycles, and encouraging gross motor play. Encouraging students and their families to actively utilize and explore the Outdoor Classroom has deepened interests in environmental studies and opened a world of possibilities in the great outdoors!