Theresa Jekel Family Child Care

Oh, the wonders and simply joys, nature and its seasons provides the whole year through!

Summer Sensations listening to ocean-like waves of an extra-large conch seashell, scouting sensational sensory explosion in our fairy/sensory garden, as well as unhurried, child-led excavating in our diggin’ area.

Fall Frolicking along a river bed with your buddies and a wagon ride through a sunflower path provides for a world of colors and shapes.

Winter Wonderment create opportunities to make floral snow friends and abound measures of snowfall, awaken our senses through hands-on exploration.

Spring Spectaculars bring the discoveries of bulbs planted in the autumn… are now blooming flowers, the excitement of the discovery of first ‘sprouts’ of a newly planted pumpkin seed, as well as an occasion to breakout the umbrellas and enjoy a gentle rainfall.

A world of wonder, a world of joy… all seasons through.
Theresa Jekel, owner