The Nature Explore Classroom at

Valley Presbyterian Preschool and Infant Center

Hearken back to a time not so long ago when the laughter of children could be heard as they would splash around in the puddles after a rainstorm.

The smell of the wet earth would excite the children’s senses as the ultimate mud pie was fashioned. Rocks and sticks were cherished treasures to collect and share with others. Watching creatures appear in the clouds while listening to the melodious breeze was a favorite pastime. Nature was all around and the freedom and peace of being involved in this special world was an important component of childhood. Nothing quite compares to the wonder and joy of being a child, playing outside.

Now, imagine a place where once again children could experience the learning, exploration, and excitement that comes from playing outside, digging in the wet earth, and creating mud pies. In this place, children could wander in a garden and marvel at a new sprout emerging out of the ground. There would be a literacy stage in this place, where creativity is fostered through children performing for their classmates, friends, and imaginary audiences. Artists would paint one-of-a-kind masterpieces in the art center. In this place, the wonder and sheer joy of just being a child and going outside to play would be part of the daily preschool experience.

This magical place exists at Valley Presbyterian Preschool and Infant Center. Upon entering the play yard, each child magically steps into a world of wonder as they visit the literacy center and cozy up with a book, stir the ingredients of their special recipe mud pie, create a masterpiece at the art center, learn how much they are able to pour through a funnel or put the last “nail” on their cardboard rocket ship before blasting off to the moon. Every child deserves these types of opportunities to explore the world around them. The Valley Presbyterian Preschool and Infant Center Outdoor Classroom Experience opens the minds of children with the freedom to explore, manipulate, create, and thrive.

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9240 Haskell Ave.
North Hills, CA 91343