Vogel Alcove
We have maintained our Nature Explore Classroom this past year by updating our sand pit to a sand box and by replacing our water works and mud kitchen stations. We also replaced a small greenhouse after a storm damaged the existing one with a larger one that has a solar powered AC system where the children grow their ‘starter’ plants for the farm to preschool table gardens.
Our Nature Explore Classroom is used daily when we are in session. The vegetable, sensory and wildlife gardens are all maintained and updated, as needed throughout the year, with the children helping to plant, water and harvest. The children played in sprinklers that we added to our grassy area and sand box areas for the summer months. We watched the butterflies and birds enjoy the water from the sprinklers, as well. One of the classes made and added a beneficial “house” to our outdoors area for the bugs, which the children enjoyed making and setting up. Our compost program has been restarted.