The Nature Explore Classroom at
Willow Springs Program Center
Girl Scouts are dedicated to building girls of courage, confidence, and character.
With that aspect in mind, we here at the Arizona Cactus-Pine Council also believe that nature and the outdoors are a vital tool to our mission and made the decision to create a Outdoor Classroom Playspace for our campers and girls to use year round.
What makes our classroom unique is the space’s design and creation was entirely girl-led. Given the requirements, tools, and guidance, our group of 14 Counselors-in-Training (high school age) eagerly got to work, building off of prior groups’ initiatives, to get the classroom ready for certification.
Seeing their work come to fruition with their ideas for the space built right before them was the best part. One camper said, “When we first started I asked myself, ‘What can we actually do in this space?'” The group was very pleased with how the space turned out and knowing they gave back to the camp community.
Their hard work will engage almost 3400 girls per year to play, discover, and connect with the outdoors.
755 N Camp Willow Springs Road
Prescott, AZ 86305